Our Policies

- Personal Data Retention and Disposal Policy
- Privacy Policy
- KVK Application Form
- User Clarification Text Regarding the Processing of Personal Data within the Scope of Payment in accordance with the Law No. 6698
- Employee Candidate Disclosure Text Pursuant to the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“kvkk”)
- Clarification on the Processing of Personal Data
Employer (Data Controller): VESER KİMYEVİ MaddeLER A.Ş.
Address : Kozyatağı Mah. Değirmen Sok. Nida Tower Apt No:18/20 Kadıköy/Istanbul
Contact : kvkk@veser.com.tr
In the capacity of data controller, your personal data we obtain in the following ways, depending on the situation, within the scope of our commercial relations or within our business relationship with you; that personal data will be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged, and shared with institutions that are legally authorized to request such personal data, within the framework of the purpose requiring their processing and in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured way, by preserving the accuracy and the most up-to-date version of the personal data you have notified or notified to us. and under the conditions stipulated by KVKK, it can be transferred to domestic or foreign third parties, classified and processed in other ways listed in KVKK.
aa) Method of Gathering
As an employer, we collect your personal data in your resume that you choose to share with us during your job application, or in other texts you share regarding your application, by sending it to us physically or electronically via our website.
bb) Legal Reason
Your personal data will be processed for the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK and for the processing purposes specified in clause c of this Clarification Text. Processing your personal data; Obtaining your express consent is based on the legal reason.
Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of Executing the Application Process of the employee candidates for the job application you have made to our company.
Your personal data collected by Veser is not transferred to third parties in any way.
Veser keeps the personal data you have submitted as part of your job application for one year.
In the event that the purpose of processing personal data disappears or the period expires, personal data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized unless there is another legal basis for keeping personal data.
In order to ensure the security of your personal data, Veser takes reasonable technical and administrative measures to prevent unauthorized access risks, accidental data loss, deliberate deletion or damage to data, by ensuring legal processing and protection.
Namely; Before starting to process personal data, Veser fulfills its obligation of disclosure, trainings are provided to improve the qualifications and technical knowledge/skills of the employees, trainings are provided on communication techniques and relevant legislation; Confidentiality agreements are signed by employees and service suppliers; Disciplinary procedures are applied for employees who do not comply with security policies and procedures, periodic and random audits are carried out within Veser, and information security trainings are provided to employees.
Bununla birlikte Veser'in bilişim sistemleri teçhizatı, yazılım ve verilerin fiziksel güvenliği için gerekli önlemler alınmakta, hukuka aykırı işlemeyi önlemeye yönelik riskler belirlenmekte, bu risklere uygun teknik tedbirler alınmakta, erişim yetki ve rol dağılımları için prosedürler oluşturulmakta ve uygulanmakta, erişimler kayıt altına alınarak uygunsuz erişimler kontrol altında tutulmakta, saklama ve imha politikasına uygun imha süreçleri tanımlanmakta ve uygulanmakta, hukuka aykırı işleme tespiti halinde ilgili kişiye ve Kurula bildirmek için bir sistem ve altyapı oluşturulmakta, güvenlik açıkları takip edilerek uygun güvenlik yamaları yüklenmekte, bilgi sistemleri güncel halde tutulmakta, kişisel verilerin işlendiği elektronik ortamlarda güçlü parolalar kullanılmakta, güvenli kayıt tutma (loglama) sistemleri kullanılmakta, kişisel verilerin güvenli olarak saklanmasını sağlayan yedekleme programları kullanılmakta, çevresel tehditlere karşı bilişim sistemleri güvenliğinin sağlanması için, donanımsal (sistem odasına sadece yetkili personelin girişini sağlayan erişim kontrol sistemi, 7/24 çalışan izleme sistemi, yerel alan ağını oluşturan kenar anahtarların fiziksel güvenliğinin sağlanması, yangın söndürme sistemi, iklimlendirme sistemi vb.) ve yazılımsal (güvenlik duvarları, atak önleme sistemleri, ağ erişim kontrolü, zararlı yazılımları engelleyen sistemler vb.) önlemler alınmakta ve elektronik olan veya olmayan ortamlarda saklanan kişisel verilere erişim, erişim prensiplerine göre sınırlandırılmaktadır.
In addition, necessary measures are taken for the physical security of Veser's information systems equipment, software and data, risks to prevent unlawful processing are determined, technical measures are taken in accordance with these risks, procedures are established and implemented for the distribution of access authorizations and roles, and accesses are recorded and inappropriate. accesses are kept under control, destruction processes in accordance with the storage and destruction policy are defined and implemented, a system and infrastructure is established to notify the relevant person and the Board in case of illegal processing, appropriate security patches are installed by monitoring security vulnerabilities, information systems are kept up-to-date, personal data Strong passwords are used in electronic environments where it is processed, secure record keeping (logging) systems are used, backup programs are used to ensure the safe storage of personal data, hardware (access control system that allows only authorized personnel to enter the system room) in order to ensure the security of information systems against environmental threats, 7/ 24 employee monitoring systems, physical security of the edge switches that make up the local area network, fire extinguishing system, air conditioning system, etc.) and software (firewalls, attack prevention systems, network access control, systems that prevent malware, etc.) and electronic Access to personal data stored in media that does not exist or is restricted according to access principles.
In addition, Veser's system, which ensures that the personal data processed in accordance with Article 12 of the KVKK are obtained by others unlawfully, this situation is notified to the relevant personal data owner and the KVK Board as soon as possible, and access to sensitive personal data is taken to more strict measures. Within the scope of Article 12 of the KVKK, necessary measures are taken to prevent the illegal processing and access of personal data and to protect personal data.
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, as the data owner;
Learning whether personal data is processed or not,
If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,
Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,
Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and requesting notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,
Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared, although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant laws, and requesting the notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,
Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
You have the right to demand the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.
Pursuant to article 13/1 of the KVKK, you can send your request to Veser in writing or by other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board, in order to exercise your rights specified in this article. Since the Personal Data Protection Board has not determined any method currently, you must submit your application to Veser in writing, and the channels to which you will submit your written application are listed below:
After you fill out the attached application form completely, Veser's Kozyatağı Mahallesi Değirmen Sokak Nida Kule Apt no: 18/20 Kadıköy/Istanbul address, kvkk@veser.com.tr with secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or the address you have previously notified and Veser If Veser is sent to the above-mentioned address by sending it to the e-mail address registered in the system, your application will be evaluated and finalized within 30 (thirty) days.
In case of a written response to the requests, no fee will be charged for up to ten pages, and Veser reserves the right to charge a fee for responses over 10 (ten) pages, based on the fee schedule stipulated by the legislation. If the response to the application is given in a recording medium such as CD or flash memory, Veser may charge the requesting data owner a fee equal to the cost of the recording medium.
Data Owner (Employee Candidate)
Mersis No: 0925000160900013
Address : Kozyatağı Mahallesi, Değirmen Sok. Nida Kule Apt. No. 18/20 Kadıköy/İst.
Mail : kvkk@veser.com.tr